Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Pre-producion paperwork.

In order to give my production images instead of using a camera and taking my own pictures i decided to ask a recognized band (The Amazons) who have already taken semi-professional pictures. I know the members of this band considerably well. The amazons have granted me permission to use their images. The reason's to why i have decided to use these pictures instead of my own are that for starters it is more time efficient to use and also they are more experienced than me when it comes to taking photos making the quality of the photos better than what i could. Also as The Amazons are a rock band i feel like it would be conventional to use their images over maybe a rapper or a indie singers.

Images received.
The band has sent me multiple pictures to use throughout my magazine. However i have decided that these images will be the best ones to use for my production.

The first picture i have chosen is this one. I have decided that this image will best suit being placed as the main image on the cover of my magazine. The picture was set in a bar. I can tell this from two reasons the first that alcoholic drinks are on display and the second being that the band told me it was. I feel like the use of a bar as a setting connotes the rock lifestyle and by using it will appeal to a rock audience as they either want to or do live this life style/ Another reason to why i have decided to use this as my magazine cover's front image is that the bright florescent colour scheme will bring attention to my magazine in stores and will catch my audiences eye.

The next image I have chosen to use is album artwork for their single 'In my mind'. As this is the song that launched the band to success and being currently well known. I felt that by using this image it will appeal to the large fan base the band already have. Also the use of the girls lips gives of a sexual atmosphere. Sexuality is a theme that is commonly used in rock music. I have decided to use this image as one of the two images on my contents page because it is very conventional to the rock genre and will take up space without negatively affecting the design of my production.

 Yet again this image is album artwork for another single. This single is there newest one released 'Black Magic'. Obviously as their large audiences will be attracted to new content from the band this will help me attract attention to my magazine. The words 'Black Magic' placed on the cards has connotations linked to alternative life styles that are linked to rock music. I will use this in my magazine for fillers on my contents page and double page spread. I may also use this on my front cover in order to intrigue audiences to read the article.

The last image i have decided to use is a promotional picture the band have made in order to advertise one of their previous shows. I will use this image in my magazine for my double page spread and in my contents page. It will only used in my contents page as a filler. As the article on my double page spread will be an interview of the band. This will give my audience a quick and snappy idea of what the article will be based on. Although i will edit out the dates and information placed at the bottom as they are no longer relevant to current events. The use of a urban environment as a setting yet again gives of auras of the gritty and hard working atmospheres associated with rock music.

Proof of band allowing me to use their images.

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